Sunday, December 05, 2010

The Huffington Post

Mao Zedong

"October 1st, [2009] marks the 60th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China" (Marg).
This site has information regarding Mao's programes, and how he came to power.  But it also has a personal view from the authers perspective on Mao's regime in China. 

(A) 2
(B) 0
(C) 0

This is an artical, and most [newspaper] articals never do cite their sources.  Also, most articles never have other documents relating to them.  In this instance, this artical is fairly lengthly providing enough information for the reader to gain a beginning knowledge on Mao's life and regime.  It is a fairly good document to get a beginners knowledge on Mao. 

Eric Margolis, Remembering China's Great Helmsman, September 29 2009, December 5 2010,

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